Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Recently I was enjoying a hot cupa at my local beanery when a girl walked by, hanging off a dude's arm with the above blazoned across her chest.  That was bad enough, but as she moved on past I noticed it was also blazoned across her (not especially lovely) ass. Enough has been written on the phenomenon of ass word sweatpants that I'm not going to bother with that one, but the rise of the "I love my boyfriend" slogan has me baffled.

Someone explain this to me. I've seen a number of variations on these shirts in the wild, always worn by a certain type of young female, usually in the presence of a male, whom I assume is the referent. Is this a shirt a woman buys for herself? Is it worn as a reminder to herself, to other women or guys on the prowl? Does said boyfriend have in his wardrobe somewhere a "I Love my girlfriend" T-shirt? At the very least, I guess its transferrable to the next boyfriend.

Boggles the mind.

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